Alex Jorgensen, Apen S1.07.2 (London Gallery)
Alex Jorgensen, Apen S1.08.2 (London Gallery)Sold
Frank Phelan, Architect 2002
Felice Hodges, Assemblage with Red (London Gallery)£ 2,900.00
Felice Hodges, Assembly (London Gallery)Sold
Dafila Scott, At the Fair (London Gallery)£ 1,650.00
Diane Nevitt, Autumn Studio, 2004
Diane Nevitt, Blue Still Life
Diane Nevitt, Chasm, 2000Sold
Diane Nevitt, Coast, 1999Sold
Malcolm Chandler, Coastal Impression (London Gallery)£ 2,800.00
Chris Sims, Comes a Time (Hungerford Gallery)£ 850.00
Chris Sims, Distant Camera (London Gallery)£ 850.00
Chris Sims, Even Now (Mounted)Sold
Diane Nevitt, Evening at Vill IV (Garda), 2006
Diane Nevitt, Evening at Villa II (Garda), 2006
Chris Sims, Ever Meadow (Mounted) (London Gallery)£ 650.00
Chris Sims, Field of Opportunity II (Hungerford Gallery)£ 850.00
Abigail Bowen, Gravity No 10 (Hungerford Gallery)Sold
Felice Hodges, Ibiza (London Gallery)Sold
Felice Hodges, Ibiza II (London Gallery)£ 2,900.00
Dafila Scott, Into the Blue (London Gallery)£ 2,200.00
Jenny Lock, Jug (London Gallery)£ 950.00
Jenny Lock, Jug and Beaker (London Gallery)£ 950.00
Chris Sims, Keep on Knocking (Hungerford Gallery)£ 850.00
Sir Terry Frost (1915 - 2003), Laced Red and Black 1994
Malcolm Chandler, LagoonSold
Jenny Lock, Let's Keep it Between UsSold
Felice Hodges, Mandarine Square (London Gallery)£ 2,900.00
Diane Nevitt, On the Terrace, SollerSold
Chris Sims, Pay No Mind (London Gallery)£ 1,400.00
Sir Terry Frost (1915 - 2003), Pink and White Spiral 1996
Diane Nevitt, Plateau, 2000£ 1,500.00
Diane Nevitt, Premonition, 2002
Chris Sims, Sandy's Support (Mounted) (London Gallery)£ 1,100.00
Malcolm Chandler, Sea Change (London Gallery)Reserved
Diane Nevitt, Shoreline II, 2001
Keith Purser, Souvenir 2012 (Unframed) (London Gallery)£ 3,500.00
Diane Nevitt, StoneSold
Chris Sims, StructureSold
Bob Aldous, Temple under the Sea (London Gallery)£ 6,600.00
Chris Sims, Tender GreenSold
Dafila Scott, To the Ends of the Earth (London Gallery)
Jean Noble, RI, SWA, Two Forms£ 695.00
Felice Hodges, Wedgwood Blue Vase (London Gallery)£ 3,650.00
Chris Sims, When the River Moves on (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,400.00