Hazel Morgan, 5 Hounds
Hazel Morgan, A Good NightVendu
Forshall, Beatrice, African Grey and Timneh Parrots (Unframed)£ 2,900.00
Georgina Crisford, Afternoon at the Riad (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,200.00
Georgina Crisford, As The Mazy Web She Whirls (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,950.00
Paul Maze, AscotVendu
Valeriy Gridnev, Ballerina at the BarreVendu
Keith Roper, Beach and Marsh, Keyhaven (London Gallery)£ 550.00
Louise Balaam, Billowing Clouds, Cornish Coast £ 6,000.00
Jo Vollers, Blue Vase (London Gallery)£ 950.00
Malcolm Taylor, Bowlers (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,250.00
Derek Holland, Breton Shop Front, Brest, Finistere, BrittanyVendu
Derek Holland, Breton Teinturerie, Brest, FinistereVendu
Tom Hiscocks, Caballo Bebedor I £ 2,475.00
Tom Hiscocks, Caballo Bebedor II£ 12,750.00
Tom Hiscocks, Cabalo Bebedor IV£ 11,500.00
Georgina Crisford, Cassandra (London Gallery)£ 1,800.00
Riccardo Tosi, Ceremony
Susie Philipps, Chinese Gooseberries (London Gallery)Vendu
Laura Sednaoui, Complementary (London Gallery)Vendu
Stephen Lavis, Construct 04 (London Gallery)£ 1,600.00
Stephen Lavis, Construct 05 (London Gallery)£ 2,400.00
Stephen Lavis, Construct 06 (London Gallery)£ 1,250.00
Derek Holland, Corconne, Gard, Languedoc-RoussillonVendu
LRNCE, Curved Vase (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,150.00
Shirin Tabeshfar Houston, Distancing (London Gallery)£ 6,500.00
David Mankin, Door of the Summer's Wind (London Gallery)£ 2,850.00
Bridget Greenwood, Dreams of Rain (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,100.00
Tom Hiscocks, Drinking Horse II
Tom Hiscocks, Drinking Horse IV 2020£ 19,500.00
Tom Hiscocks, Drinking Horse VIII, 2020£ 5,500.00
Liz Neild, Dry Country, NSW (Hungerford Gallery)£ 3,800.00
Tom Hiscocks, El Toro III£ 11,500.00
Riccardo Tosi, Eyes
Malcolm Taylor, Five Floating (Hungerford Gallery)£ 650.00
Lucy Powell, From My Studio (Hungerford Gallery)£ 2,250.00
Lucy Powell, Garden of Thyme (Hungerford Gallery)£ 850.00
Abigail Bowen, Gravity No 10 (Hungerford Gallery)Vendu
Hazel Morgan, Group of Hounds Waiting (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,850.00
Bryn Parry, Happy Hippo£ 4,950.00
Malcolm Taylor, Hauled Out (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,350.00
Georgina Crisford, Hestia (Hungerford Gallery)£ 2,500.00
Lily Marsh, Horse II£ 5,200.00
Janet Stayton, Impressionist
Reshma Govindjee, Isabel£ 1,500.00
Jo Vollers, Italian Jug and Roses (Hungerford Gallery)£ 950.00
Riccardo Tosi, Jewels
Jane Shaw, King of the Castle - Standing Terrier£ 2,500.00
Tom Hiscocks, Kiss III£ 11,500.00
Derek Holland, La Liquiere, Herault, Languedoc RoussillonVendu
Sir Terry Frost (1915 - 2003), Laced Red and Black 1994
LRNCE, Le Fleur£ 850.00
Valeriy Gridnev, Little Ballerina (Hungerford Gallery)£ 4,700.00
Andrew Jago, Looking Out No. 10 (Hungerford Gallery)£ 650.00
Riccardo Tosi, Looking Over the Plains
Lily Marsh, Lucy (Hungerford Gallery)£ 3,200.00
Annie Field, Ménage à Trois (London Gallery)£ 2,200.00
Lucy Pratt, Morning Spruce-Up, DelhiVendu
Georgina Crisford, Neptune in Aquarius (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,800.00
Adam Roud, No 60 (Hungerford Gallery)£ 12,500.00
Tom Hiscocks, Octave Flower, 2020£ 11,750.00
Tom Hiscocks, One VII£ 5,750.00
Laura Sednaoui, Overheard (London Gallery)Vendu
Louise Balaam, Pale Gold Sky, Carn Brea £ 8,500.00
Lydia Segrave, Passage (Hungerford Gallery)£ 3,500.00
Lydia Segrave, Piaffe (Hungerford Gallery)£ 3,500.00
Bryn Parry, Pick up a Penguin£ 4,950.00
Sir Terry Frost (1915 - 2003), Pink and White Spiral 1996
Lydia Segrave, Pirouette (Hungerford Gallery)£ 3,500.00
Postcards from the Tropics (Hungerford Gallery)Vendu
Violet Astor, Pratibimb (Reflections) (Hungerford Gallery)Vendu
Paul Maze, Racing SceneVendu
Geoff Price, Racing to the Finish IV (London Gallery)Vendu
Jo Vollers, Ranunculus (London Gallery)Vendu
Tom Hiscocks, Rearing Horse II, 2020£ 6,750.00
Colin Williams, Relief Painting with Vase (Hungerford Gallery)£ 850.00
Malcolm Taylor, Returning Tide (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,250.00
Bryn Parry, Running Warthog£ 4,950.00
Lucy Powell, Saturday Market (Hungerford Gallery)£ 2,250.00
Chloë Lamb, Sea Mist II (London Galley)
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