Dione Verulam, k is for kissing (Unframed)£ 375.00
Katya Gridneva, Karren (London Gallery)£ 4,900.00
Kate Boxer, Kenny! (Unframed)£ 1,140.00
Dione Verulam, l is for laying up (Unframed)£ 375.00
Kate Boxer, Lao Tse (Unframed)£ 1,280.00
Kate Boxer, Lily Samarine (Unframed)£ 770.00
Kate Boxer, Lioness (Unframed)£ 1,650.00
Annie Field, Love (Hungerford Gallery)£ 1,900.00
Kate Boxer, Lyubov Popova (Unframed)£ 595.00
Dione Verulam, m is for marriage (Unframed)£ 375.00
Kate Boxer, Marianne (We stroll like poodles) (Unframed)£ 750.00
Kate Boxer, Mary Queen of Scots I (Unframed)£ 675.00
Kate Boxer, Mary Queen of Scots II (Unframed)£ 1,500.00
Karen Brighton, Marylebone StationVendu
Kate Boxer, Maxim Gorky (Unframed)£ 595.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: April (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: August (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: December (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: February (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: January (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: July (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: June (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: March (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: May (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: November (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: October (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, Months of the Year Series: September (Unframed)£ 375.00
Kate Boxer, Muriel Spark (London Gallery)Vendu
Kate Boxer, My temple, it's throbbing! (Unframed)£ 870.00
Kate Boxer, Myra Hess (Unframed)£ 595.00
Dione Verulam, n is for needlework (Unframed)£ 375.00
Kate Boxer, Napoleon in the Snow (Unframed)£ 1,280.00
Katya Gridneva, Nude (Hungerford Gallery)Vendu
Dione Verulam, o is for opera (Unframed)£ 375.00
Sarah Elder, Off to the SoukVendu
Kate Boxer, Ooooh (Stags admiring a waterfall) (Unframed)£ 1,500.00
Christine Seifert, Oryx II (Mounted) (Hungerford Gallery)
Sarah Elder, Outward BoundVendu
Kate Boxer, Owl (Unframed)£ 880.00
Kate Boxer, Owl (White) (Unframed)£ 880.00
Dione Verulam, p is for picking (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, q is for questing (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, r is for reading (Unframed)£ 375.00
Paul Maze, Racing SceneVendu
Kate Boxer, Robin Hood (Unframed)£ 825.00
Sophie Bartlett, Rock Couple, Sketch
Kate Boxer, Rosie (Unframed)£ 880.00
Dione Verulam, s is for ski-ingVendu
Kate Boxer, Saladin (Unframed)£ 900.00
Kate Boxer, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Unframed)£ 770.00
Kate Boxer, Simone de Beauvoir (Unframed)£ 825.00
Kate Boxer, Small Bird (Unframed)£ 675.00
Kate Boxer, Snake I (Unframed)£ 675.00
Kate Boxer, Snake II (Unframed)£ 675.00
Kate Boxer, Snake III (Unframed)£ 675.00
Sophie Bartlett, St Helen's BathersVendu
Kate Boxer, Stella (Unframed)£ 1,140.00
Kate Boxer, Stephen Runciman (Unframed)£ 770.00
Boz, Sunday Morning, ParisVendu
Dione Verulam, t is for tennis (Unframed)£ 375.00
Kate Boxer, Tamara Karsavina (Unframed)£ 595.00
Kate Boxer, The Sins of sex and kisses of birds (Unframed)£ 1,280.00
Christine Seifert, Three Baboons (Mounted)
Kate Boxer, Toulouse Lautrec (Unframed)£ 770.00
Kate Boxer, Trevor Brooking (Hungerford Gallery)£ 4,900.00
Kate Boxer, Turtle (Unframed)£ 880.00
Dione Verulam, u is for under the sun (Unframed)£ 375.00
Karen Brighton, UndercoverVendu
Dione Verulam, v is for visitor (Unframed)£ 375.00
Kate Boxer, Vladimir Mayakowsky & Lilya Brik (Unframed)£ 935.00
Dione Verulam, w is for working (Unframed)£ 375.00
Kate Boxer, Willie Landels (Unframed)£ 770.00
Kate Boxer, Wolf on Red (Unframed)£ 675.00
Dione Verulam, x is for christmas (Unframed)£ 375.00
Dione Verulam, y is for youth (Unframed)£ 375.00
Kate Boxer, Yellow Sky (Unframed)£ 870.00
Kate Boxer, Yoghurt Bird (Unframed)
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